Alcohol Remains Leading Factor in Drug-Related ER Visits
SAMHSA (12/15) –– 2021 statistics recently published reveal that alcohol remains the primary substance involved in drug-related emergency...
CMS Finalizes Physician Payment Rule Expanding Medicare Coverage for Opioid Treatment Services
CMS (11/1) –– HHS has announced the CY 2023 Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule, which includes provisions designed to boost access to...
Mitchell S. Rosenthal, MD, Drug Treatment Pioneer, Dies at 87
Mitchell S. "Mitch" Rosenthal, M.D. passed away quietly in his sleep Monday night. He was 87. As the founder and president of the...
Marijuana Research Bill Passes Congress
MarketWatch (11/17) –– Both houses of Congress have now passed the Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act (H.R. 8454),...
Amid Backlash, CDC's New Opioid Guidance Aims to Curb Addiction and Treat Patients
USA TODAY (11/3) –– The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued new guidance for doctors who treat pain patients that...
Outreach Opens Upcoming Trainings to TCA Members & Staff
Outreach (NY) has opened an upcoming training on Crisis Prevention and Deescalationto all TCA members and staff. Please use the links...
HHS Releases National Guidelines for Child and Youth Behavioral Health Crisis Care
HHS (11/10) –– The Department of Health and Human Services has a released National Guidelines for Child and Youth Behavioral Health...
SAMHSA Releases Interim Strategic Plan
SAMHSA (11/10) –– The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is pleased to announce the release of the agency’s...
Have You Registered For TCA's Upcoming Virtual Hill Visits?
TCA is planning to conduct Virtual Hill Visits over Tuesday, November 15 and Wednesday, November 16. If you have not already, please USE...
Outreach Opens Upcoming Trainings to TCA Members & Staff
In support of national TCA, Outreach (NY) has opened up some of its upcoming trainings to all TCA members, and your respective...
SAMHSA Rule to Permanently Allow Take-Home Methadone
The White House budget office is reviewing a draft SAMHSA rule that would make permanent the COVID-19 methadone take-home waiver and...